Friday 15th
Last night I worked till late and this morning I started early. My curiousness drives me to develop some ideas to products. The models of yesterday were a good start and now I have to go further into the details of things, the connections, edges, materials etc. To keep myself fresh I also started working on a chair and the funniest thing happened. During the process I had one chair constantly in my mind; chair 1 by Constantin Grcic. The honeycomb model started looking much like this chair. At a given moment I just wanted to check this chair again because it was getting frustrating. The image made clear that developing the chair like I did was of no use. The result wouldn’t be anything else then something that would be compared with chair 1 and I have to say that that’’s such a high quality chair that I stopped working on mine. Constantin; you did a very fine job there.
The posts on the our platform blog were picked up by Lago and now they linked their blog to ours, to my site, Design Products’ site and the college site. Nicola who runs the Lago blog asked to post writings and photo’s on their blog and I think that would be a very good thing to do. The blog principle works really well when it comes to sharing information. It’s good to be updated with developments and news from London. In return we post the work done here.
We also had a talk about blogs in general and how they work for students and the importance of a blog for a company. This was very interesting and thought me some things I wasn’t aware of before. It’s really great that the people here are so open to share their knowledge with us. I experience Lago as a friendly company that offer us a lot of a lot of things. In return we work our guts off to give them nice projects. I think this is quite a good deal for now.
Soon Danielle will be here and we will present our developments on the future of sleeping brief. After that there will be a presentation of our previous work to the people from Lago and friends here in the studio. This will be done in Italian style with nice food and wine.