Wednesday 13th
Today we have met Danielle Lago, one of the six siblings that run Lago. He and the Juan Paolo (sales) reviewed our ideas so far. The morning and afternoon were dedicated to make a short presentation of the work so far. Nevertheless the work that I was showing was done with down to the bone sketches. I didn’t really worry too much about them understanding these. I use pen and paper and from the beginning I tried to make sketches that express ideas rather then give an impression of a finished product with the details on edges and colours.
The presentation was very interesting because they looked at the ideas if they would fit Lago and if they could be easily produced and sold. The feedback was completely different from a college crit. Discussions about materials, techniques and dimensions, all direct to how the finished object would be instead of expanding ideas and pushing limits. They were really impressed with the work and ideas we all have come up with and this is very pleasing to hear. I do think my personal goals are far from reached while for them some concepts are already there. I think there is still a load of work to be done.
After the presentation we went to Bassano, the city where Grappa is made. It’s at the bottom of Grappa Mountain and we drunk spritzer and some good Grappa. I love Italy.