Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 (4)

Hello dear platformers,
Time is flying here in Italy. I have the feeling we just started but it will be finished this friday at noon after the last presentation with a turkey dinner.
Today we had a presentation of our second brief which was titled; Democratic Design. I worked with David Artuffo on this project. He is one of the four students of the MA at the Design Academy who joined us for the second week of this workshop. We proposed a project that will run on the lago blog from the beginning till the end and the visitors will be able to comment and vote on the design (decisions). It can be really exciting to do this with this company and being aware of the amount of visitors their blog has in a day.
Our presentation opened up a discussion and we are asked to develop this further in order to get this project really running. The interest is there and it's now up to us to deal with the questions and dificulties that are now there. We have to make it ready to get it running.
So much to do and so less time. I will be in the Netherlands on saturday for christmas but I wont see myself rest much. The much food i'm looking forward to will be a necessary power source.
PS. the image shows David and my laptop around and on top of a Dell print/copy/scan station. Due to difficulties with sending a file to print we tried to copy the file from my laptopscreen. This process did not result in a succes.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
the Spritz (3)
- Campari or Aperol
- Vino Bianco (dry)
- Soda
- Ice
- slice of Lemon
Fill a glas with ice,
put 1/3 of Campari (or Aperol)in,
1/3 of dry white wine
finish it with soda and a piece of lemon.
- Campari or Aperol
- Vino Bianco (dry)
- Soda
- Ice
- slice of Lemon
Fill a glas with ice,
put 1/3 of Campari (or Aperol)in,
1/3 of dry white wine
finish it with soda and a piece of lemon.
Somebody asked me recently what constituted a traditional Irish meal, well check this out from my friend Pierce's blog, i shall hopefully be sampling it very soon....
Friday, December 15, 2006 (2)

Friday 15th
Last night I worked till late and this morning I started early. My curiousness drives me to develop some ideas to products. The models of yesterday were a good start and now I have to go further into the details of things, the connections, edges, materials etc. To keep myself fresh I also started working on a chair and the funniest thing happened. During the process I had one chair constantly in my mind; chair 1 by Constantin Grcic. The honeycomb model started looking much like this chair. At a given moment I just wanted to check this chair again because it was getting frustrating. The image made clear that developing the chair like I did was of no use. The result wouldn’t be anything else then something that would be compared with chair 1 and I have to say that that’’s such a high quality chair that I stopped working on mine. Constantin; you did a very fine job there.
The posts on the our platform blog were picked up by Lago and now they linked their blog to ours, to my site, Design Products’ site and the college site. Nicola who runs the Lago blog asked to post writings and photo’s on their blog and I think that would be a very good thing to do. The blog principle works really well when it comes to sharing information. It’s good to be updated with developments and news from London. In return we post the work done here.
We also had a talk about blogs in general and how they work for students and the importance of a blog for a company. This was very interesting and thought me some things I wasn’t aware of before. It’s really great that the people here are so open to share their knowledge with us. I experience Lago as a friendly company that offer us a lot of a lot of things. In return we work our guts off to give them nice projects. I think this is quite a good deal for now.
Soon Danielle will be here and we will present our developments on the future of sleeping brief. After that there will be a presentation of our previous work to the people from Lago and friends here in the studio. This will be done in Italian style with nice food and wine.
Thursday, December 14, 2006 (1)

Wednesday 13th
Today we have met Danielle Lago, one of the six siblings that run Lago. He and the Juan Paolo (sales) reviewed our ideas so far. The morning and afternoon were dedicated to make a short presentation of the work so far. Nevertheless the work that I was showing was done with down to the bone sketches. I didn’t really worry too much about them understanding these. I use pen and paper and from the beginning I tried to make sketches that express ideas rather then give an impression of a finished product with the details on edges and colours.
The presentation was very interesting because they looked at the ideas if they would fit Lago and if they could be easily produced and sold. The feedback was completely different from a college crit. Discussions about materials, techniques and dimensions, all direct to how the finished object would be instead of expanding ideas and pushing limits. They were really impressed with the work and ideas we all have come up with and this is very pleasing to hear. I do think my personal goals are far from reached while for them some concepts are already there. I think there is still a load of work to be done.
After the presentation we went to Bassano, the city where Grappa is made. It’s at the bottom of Grappa Mountain and we drunk spritzer and some good Grappa. I love Italy.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Last day b4 Christmas br8k
Dear all
tomorrow we meet as scheduled at 10.30AM in college; as far as I am concerned everyone apart from Ben and Bahbak will be there (Sarah?).
Then we'll have a classic Platform 8 gallery day-out in London. Towards the very late afternoon I suggest we gravitate towards the studio for our Platform 8 christmas dinner, to which I also invited Jurgen.
For this I need to gauge attendance figures, so I suggest everyone who wants to contribute to the dinner emails back to me later today or we figure it out tomorrow;
You all will receive this per mail now simoultaneously as well. Regards
tomorrow we meet as scheduled at 10.30AM in college; as far as I am concerned everyone apart from Ben and Bahbak will be there (Sarah?).
Then we'll have a classic Platform 8 gallery day-out in London. Towards the very late afternoon I suggest we gravitate towards the studio for our Platform 8 christmas dinner, to which I also invited Jurgen.
For this I need to gauge attendance figures, so I suggest everyone who wants to contribute to the dinner emails back to me later today or we figure it out tomorrow;
You all will receive this per mail now simoultaneously as well. Regards
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Hello dear platformers,
I hope you all are doing well. I want to give you a short update about what I am doing at this moment in Italy. As you most of you know I participate in a two week workshop set up by furniture company Lago here in San Giorgio in Bosco (near Treviso). I keep a detailed diary about the experience and take loads of images. My original idea of posting everything on the blog has changed to some short updates for now and I think I can present you a well structured story about these two weeks in beginning january.
What I do want to let you know is that i enjoy my time here, the facilities are great and we work in a very open and friendly environment. The company is young and motivated (like me), their goals are clear and this provides a clear structure to work in (a good experience).
Sunday, December 10, 2006
1 hour earlier tomorrow
Hey all
we're scheduled in at St Martins in the field tomorrow at 12 lunchtime. I suggest we meet at 11.40 at Brixton Tube station. From there we take number 2 or 432 bus to the school. Will email this tomorrow or get in touch via phone if I don;t reach you all! Many greetings and a nice rest of sunday,
we're scheduled in at St Martins in the field tomorrow at 12 lunchtime. I suggest we meet at 11.40 at Brixton Tube station. From there we take number 2 or 432 bus to the school. Will email this tomorrow or get in touch via phone if I don;t reach you all! Many greetings and a nice rest of sunday,
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
photos on the web
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Friday, December 8 from 19.00hrs: rAndom vs Troika Studio Christmas Party.
Monday, December 11: 13.00hrs meeting in St Martins in the Fields School with the Brixton Kids with introduction from Phil Watson.
Please get back to me who can make it! I need to know to plan.
Thursday, December 14: 10.30 AM meeting at RCA, Gallery day. Then:
"Bye bye London" Platform8 Christmas Dinner (with guests to be confirmed)
MAKE IT UP: WHat are we eating for this? Any suggestions? Please get back to me. Our studio grill works, oven is out of only cold turkey.
Monday, December 11: 13.00hrs meeting in St Martins in the Fields School with the Brixton Kids with introduction from Phil Watson.
Please get back to me who can make it! I need to know to plan.
Thursday, December 14: 10.30 AM meeting at RCA, Gallery day. Then:
"Bye bye London" Platform8 Christmas Dinner (with guests to be confirmed)
MAKE IT UP: WHat are we eating for this? Any suggestions? Please get back to me. Our studio grill works, oven is out of only cold turkey.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Edward Bernays
"News is any overt act which juts out of the routine of circumstance. A good public relations man advises his client... to carry out an overt act... interrupting the continuity of life in some way to bring about a response."
Sunday, December 03, 2006
this looks amazing. i am going this week. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm light
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