The Art Of Pop Ep 1/3 Tuesday 25 July 11.00-11.30am BBC Radio 4 |
The Art Of Pop
Pop musician Jarvis Cocker explores the idea of popular culture being a subject for artistic expression in the first of this series of three programmes. He starts by looking back to the Forties, when artists such as Richard Hamilton and Eduardo Paolozzi were attending Central St Martins College, London (the same college Cocker himself graduated from, much later). Many art students in the immediate post-war period were also part-time musicians, in an era when traditional jazz was about to go head-to-head with early rock 'n' roll.
This programme traces the rise of early British pop art through the work of Peter Blake and David Hockney. Their work in the early Sixties reflected the increasing importance of pop culture and rock imagery. British art schools were also turning out scores of artists-turned-musicians, including The Beatles, The Animals, The Rolling Stones and The Who.
Presenter/Jarvis Cocker, Producer/Bob Dickinson