hey guys,
We need to sort a few things out pretty fast.
- the flyer, this is a reminder that we hand out on the exhibition. One side full colour image of the car with the logos, other side press release tekst and dates (black & white). This printing should be arranged on friday to get quotes and dates/deadline.
(Henny will sort this out)
- the images that Cat had send out is something that should be send out with the press release, date and location.
(this is for all of us, contact everybody you know that can be relevant, producers, press etc.)
-second years cars need to be prepared, Finn does Jennys and Lilianas, can somebady take car of the Volvo of Markus and Jonathan. (Would you be able to do that Yota?)
-1 to 1 printouts can be done upstairs for 1 pound a meter (says Finn). If we prepare this well we can have this all done by the end of the week and don't let it come down to friday afternoon. Maybe ask the computerguys upstairs for the right preparation and they can role them out if we hand in our files. (who is in for arranging this?)
-How is our cashflow? (Finn) and what do we need to buy?
-Hannes asked for a DIGITAL PRESS PACK for this sunday!! This should contain the car image, press release, our own description of what we are doing individual supperted by images and our contact details. (who will sort this out?). Put on CD's.
-We are all realy busy now but this needs to be done as soon as possible to get most profit out our exhibition. Serious, you do not often get 300 square meters of possibilities.
-Are we still in for doing a party? Are we going to crash a place and when? Wednesday is not an option because Arsenal is playing Championsleaguefinal. And we all want to see how van Persie is scoring the winning goal in the 92nd minute, dont we! (who will take care of this?)
I put these points up in a hurry, if there are any missing, or have any ideas please add them. Stand up if you want to be heared and please be a part of this. If we all take care of things that need to be done it will make it much easier and fun once were in Berlin.