Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Berlin Update

Hello all just to fill ye in on the general group and car plan:
1. CAT and BASS Fiat Panda and a big tent built onto the back
2. TOM and HENNY Mercedes 190
3.FINN and SIMONE Bedford Rascal mini van
4. ALEX and YOTA VW Golf Mk 1
5. JENNIFER AND LILLIANNA Renault and the bench
6. JOHNATHON and MARKUS Volvo 740 estate
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
last chance
we are getting 700 sq metres of cardboard. this is enough (with a bit over) to build 7 cars. is this ok. it takes 3 people to build a car. better spend more time making 6 beautiful and well made ones than 12 sloppy ones......? (i think)
am confirming this tomorrow.
unfortunately due to time issues we can't have white both sides. Only found this out today. we can have white one side and brown one side. this is our only option.
board will be delivered on the Friday before and we can start to build on the sunday.
fireproofing is being dealt with. I think our sponsers will supply this too us for free too.....they are really nice
Regarding electronics the concluision of this morning's meetings was : each car will be provided with a set of sockets by me but after that your on your one. if you want something get it yourself. Hannes has also confirmed uk tvs will work over there so thats cool.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Choose YOUR car and PARTNERS

1.Opel Kadett "e" 3-door hatch
2.Rover 216 (Get it quick we have i have lovely blueprints)
3.Bedford Rascal mini van (Finn and Simone)
4.Volvo 740 estate (Marcus and Johnathon) panda (Bass and Cat)
6. Renault 5 ( there is lovely blueprints for this too put your name down pronto)
renault 5
Vw Golf Mk 2 ( maybe this should go in ?)
Nissan Prairie , Its much bigger than the other cars but is great its efeclticly shaped like a brick with a wedge cut off the front. so ugly its beautiful
im definitly sure that the first 3 cars are perfet for the job and would really recomend them. what do ye think?? any additions. the opel is the only german car there but i think the berliners would apreciate it ( it realy is a pice of shit we used to have one and we had to push it every morning in winter to get the fucker started!)
Friday, April 21, 2006
Meeting on Tuseday
We have a Berlin meeting with Hannes on Tuseday morning at 10.00.
Be there.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
charity shop crawl
-- Do we do headlights, Who is in charge?
-- We make the side of the car curved?
-- Car selection has to be fast so we can make proper fold outs (FINN).
- Finn how is the electronics going, ask someone to help you if necessarily? Its cool hannes is going to sort it out at the tuesday meeting, (finn)
- Name: Platform acht, Marketplatz ???
-- Press release is ready, Invitation, image?
-- German and English press and contact address list.
- What do you think about the line floor plan?
- Alex and Tom, do you provide a route Planner for the trip?
- Flights and van is arranged
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Wheels or no wheels
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
what do we name this baby...
(also if you look para up it can mean type of city)
we could also go for PARASITE PLATZ
Details of the car and floor lines
And what about the floorplan. This drawing might not be in the right scale but is sure does give an impression of what lines can do. Like football, basketball, whatever lines.
Please coment!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Accommodation in Berlin
Grazi Platforma bella

Indeed Finn, Milan was sure a great place to have seen. To bad it was spoiled by a some kind of Furniture fair. Most interesting things there by far were the duomo, the food, the park at the sunny days, and Tom Sachs. For all who missed the last one I managed to get some images of his incredible marine ship. The Whale and all the other stuff was also very very impressive.
O ja;
v5 finns edit of toms very nice edit of catherine and bass edit
Introducing 12 students from the Royal College of Art, London. Platform8 is from Mexico, Japan, Ireland, England, Denmark and The Netherlands. There is one common thread linking the students in Platform8, an aversion to homogeneity and a celebration of diversity. They strive to question the role design can play in society.
Their car boot sale is presented as a counter-balance to the increasingly corporate, impersonal high street. A place where people gather together, coffee cups in hand, to bargain for an eclectic collection of objects. The informal structure of the Car Boot Sale provides an ideal setting from which Platform8 individually present their wares. 6 full size cars (re-created in cardboard) will provide the boots, bonnets and roof’s on which to show the groups designs. Come and have a look, and get a bargain idea for free.
ps mum says polystyrene cups are bad
Monday, April 10, 2006
12 students from the royal college of art in London. Representing a range of cultural backgrounds, which contributes to a diverse design approach, platform 8 look for alternatives to design as we know it, questioning the role it can play in society.
From common experiences of living and exploring the metropolis of London and amidst the hectic pace of the city they have discovered the informality of the car boot sale. A place with a variety of people and objects. A weekly event to gather together, polystyrene cups of coffee in hand, and bargain over an eclectic collection of products. A coming together as an alternative to the highstreet. At DESIGN MAI they present CAR BOOT SALE.
exhibition names
- 8platz
- bricolage - this means 'construction or creation from a diverse range of available things
- design what
- on the edge of things
- marketplatz
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Ciao Tutti
ciao bellas
Friday, April 07, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
name of exhibition
I really think we CAN come up with a better name. OUT OF THE BOOT sounds very obvious and doesn't say much else about us. i don't think we have to make a pun on boot or car. can we think again???
Monday, April 03, 2006
Add your stuff to list by tuesday 4th april at 2.00.
| DVD Player | Digital Projector | Old School TV | Speakers Amplifie | Sockets | Cable (in metres | CD Player | Lamps | Kettle, polystyrene cups, tea/coffee | PC blog | Empty suggestions | Empty suggestions | |
Finn | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 6m | 1 | 0 | | | | | |
Henny | 666 | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | | | | | |
Simone | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | | 0 | 4 | | | | | |
Cat | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | | | 3 | | | | | |
Bass | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | | 1 | 0 | | | | | |
Alex | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | | | | | |
Tom | ? | ? | ? | ? | 2 | | ? | 1 | | | | | |
Yota | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | | | | | |
Jennifer | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | | | | | |
Johnathn | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ? | | ? | ? | | | | | |
Lillianna | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | | ? | ? | | | | | |
Markus | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ? | | ? | ? | | | | | |
Group | 1 | | 1 | | 2 | | | 5 | 1 | 1 | | | |
Total | | | | | | 150m | | | 1,200 | 1 | | |
accomodation & ticket costs
We need to sort our costs out today!!! Zoe is not sure about the College paying for our exhibition so we need to ask Hilary. Best thing is to show her a full qoute with exact numbers. Now we need to figure out the costs for accomodation. The tickets for all of us are (today's Ryanair prices, 3rd april at 4pm) 365,39 GBP.
Liliana got some quotations of hostels and there totals are 1093,00 euro's and 1134,00 euro's, that is 763 and 792 GBP.
So the total so far is about 1157 GBP.
I need
I thought I publish it here so anyone with similar demands can share or work togheter.
• White cardboard
• Green tape
• Name: Out of the boot
• Six cars
• Triangle pole inside role cabine construction.
• We ordred 700 m2 Carboard (175 planes of 2x2 meter)
• Main driver ALex + For the way there Henny and Finn and for the way back Bas and Catherine
What we need to do:
• Get yourseelf a partner to p[resent in and on your car with
• Test build construction with cardboard next week (cardboard is ordred)
• Book flights (Henny will arrange that)
• Make reminder paper for visitors to take from the exhibition
• Make mailing to send digitally to press and contacts
If there is more, please add.
Monday Meeting
Check it out or let me know before 2 via mail.
On the program for today
Is it Designboot what I hear the most?
If you don't agree, what's your proposal.
+ decide the colour of tape
• Select seven Car models to make linedrawings of
• Deside on the amount of cardboard
• As we don't have space for 12 cars we have to work
together so find yourselve a partner.
• Make up your mind and tell Tom what you are going to
take to berlin to show.
• Also make up your mind on what Electrical equitment you
need like lamps, projectors, audio, whatever and give
your list to Finn.
• And decide on Graphics.
I vote for the Marcus picture with green.
If you don't vote or give your information on time we will do this for you
And I am not sure if you will like this!!
If you have more, please Add.